Let’s talk about STD’s.
Yes, I’m sure you think you know all about it – SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED
DISEASES. I thought the same too, until today, when I ran through like a 100
websites only to be completely blown away.
So here’s the lowdown on all you need to know to be a
safe and responsible sexually active adult. Advisory: It isn’t all
bouquets and balloons.
1. An STI (sexually transmitted infection) is a germ (virus,
bacteria, parasite) that can cause an illness inside a person even though the
person doesn’t have any symptoms. An STD (sexually transmitted disease) refers
to infections that are causing symptoms or problems.
2. STIs/STDs were previously called “venereal diseases”
(VDs), a term which derives from Veneris, or Venus, the Roman goddess of love.
3. A girl is four times more likely to contract an STI/STD
than she is to become pregnant.
4. Pre-ejaculate can still transmit infection. Withdrawing
before ejaculation also does not prevent STDs.
5. Unprotected anal intercourse with a partner whose status
for STIs/STDs is unknown is the highest-risk sexual practice.
6. Genital pimples do not necessarily mean an STD and may
simply indicate a case of genital acne.
7. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is currently the fastest
growing STI/STD.
8. Mutual masturbation is not a guarantee against
contracting an STD. Pubic lice, scabies, bacterial vaginosis cytomegalovirus, herpes
simplex, and human papillomavirus virus (HPV) can all be contracted through
mutual masturbation.
9. Crabs (pubic lice) are small parasites that feed on human
blood. They can be sexually transmitted even if there is no penetration or
bodily fluid exchanged or even if a condom is worn. They can live 24 hours off
a human host, making it possible to get crabs from infested bedding or clothes.
Animals do not get crabs.
10. STIs/STDs were previously called “venereal diseases”
(VDs), a term which derives from Veneris, or Venus, the Roman goddess of love.
11. While some STIs/STDs—such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and
syphilis—are curable, if left untreated, they can cause death, infertility,
chronic pain, serious birth defects, and miscarriages.
12. Many sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV, can
be transmitted through oral sex.
13. STIs/STDs cannot be acquired in a swimming or public
bathroom (unless you have sex in the pool or on the toilet). Most STIs/STDs are
spread only through direct genital contact and begin to die immediately after
they leave the infected person.
14. Common symptoms of STDs include burning or pain while
urinating; any discharge from the opening of the penis; a change in a woman’s
normal vaginal discharge or smell; sores, blisters, rashes, bums, swellings, or
growths around the penis, vagina, or rectum; itching, burning, or pain around
the penis, vagina, or anus; pain during sex; and pain in the lower abdomen.
15. A condom merely reduces—but does not eliminate—the risk
of an STD.
However, the discomfiture of purchasing condoms is
still better than the discomfiture of a burning sensation while peeing.
A sobering overview indeed! It is amply apparent that
unprotected or multiple partner sex offers a landmine situation. The
fail-safe is clear enough: be good when you’re being bad. Play safe
and always use a condom!
Lots of Love,
PS. I really wanted to put up pictures of STD's but, I really could not. ( They are disgusting )
You guys should really check out pictures on Google Images.